Saturday, April 18, 2015

Thoughts from my visit to the Obstetrician (OB)

* An OB is like a wise owl, assisting God to help mothers to give birth to the God's child. [To me, each and every children are God's child]

Today is my scheduled appointment with my OB. He is Dr Koh and he runs a private women's clinic near my office. His clinic are decorated with baby photos from his patients and I realized some of my friends are his patients when I ran into them during my scheduled appointment. So I think he must be quite popular because I walked in to his clinic just because his clinic is near my office.

When I went in, Dr Koh greeted me warmly with his tag "How are you,my friend?". I felt very welcome.

My mum was with me in the consultation room and I could see that he's trying to make her feel involved during the checkup by telling her the progress of the baby.

I asked him some questions about some funny symptoms I have , such as I am having difficulty finding a position to sleep without the baby kicking me violently. He told me it's normal. I also asked him where's the position of my baby like where's the head and leg, he mentioned the baby is currently still moving around. I asked this because I felt the movement coming from a usual position and I was curious what was it that move. He told me that position is the butt - well, it means that my baby is literally butting me :) The way he responded make me sense that he could be very tired.

I begin to think that OB is a noble job. Beside stationing in their clinic for consultation, they have to monitor their patient's progress and to answer their patient's calls! Most OB have 24 hr hotline and they literally have to answer calls even in the middle of the night! I feel for them and they must be very passionate in their job in order to sustain in this line for so long! I only called the hotline once during an emergency in my previous pregnancy when I was having a miscarriage and he called back and assisted me. During this pregnancy, there was once he called me personally to arrange an urgent screening because there was some abnormality in my initial health screening. Fortunately, everything was fine during my 2nd detailed screening.

During the ultra sound scan, he scanned for the head and listen to the heart beat. And he seems to know what I'm thinking (because I always pray for my baby to be a Happy baby) and he told me 'See, your baby heartbeat is telling you - Happy Happy Happy Happy'. I really felt amused when he said this. As usual, he printed a copy of the ultra sound scan and I'm quite surprised when he handed them to my mother.

Well, this is my 1st OB and I felt that he have set a reasonable high benchmark on my impression of an OB.

Overall, I felt that OBs are really as noble as the mothers they are serving. Afterall, they are helping women to transit their next phase of life as a mother!

Thank you Dr Koh!

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