Friday, April 17, 2015

Up and down of being pregnant

Due to pregnancy and I am feeling heavier and breathless. I'm trying to keep my stamina and mental high with my willpower and prayer!

Feeling my feet getting swollen - good thing is it started to swell heavily in evening. Which means, during the day time I can still wear my normal shoes to work.

Guess this is one of the side effect of being pregnant, other than that, I have some nice 'side effect' too!

Overwhelming contribution of baby clothes and accessories
During these few days, my cousin's colleagues passed me their hand-me-down baby clothes , accessories and toys. I am quite touched by their gesture.I had gathered more than 100 pieces of baby clothes and I concluded my baby need a bigger wardrobe than myself. I don't think I have more than 100 pieces in my wardrobe.

Chinese believed that babies should wear 'hand-me-down' clothes because it would make them a humble and grounded baby. Thinking from a logical point of view , it is to save money because baby grow very fast especially from 0-6 months! And of course, 'hand-me-down' clothes are usually softer and more comfy because they are 'pre-washed' multiple times.

One of my colleague offered to donate her baby cot and other accessories because she decided not to give birth anymore. She's my age and have a lovely son.
My friend offer to pass me her Medela freestyle but I told her I'll borrow from her to test it out before I buy them myself- for hygiene purpose.

Big thanks to my friends and colleague for the contribution!

I think once I consolidated my "loot", I'll be able to identify what is outstanding and get the other necessity items to prepare for the arrival.

Having the privilege of people giving up their seat

Well, I'm not so desperate to demand for a seat whenever I commute to work. Depending on my luck, sometime I have some kind soul giving up their seat to me and some don't. I'm always thankful whenever I have a seat because if I stand too long, I would end up a heavy bladder even though I didn't drink.
Having people to give up their seat to you is your privilege and not an entitlement.

People would be more aware of your well-being and safety

The people around me would be looking out for me and offer their help if I'm carrying bulky items or offer me a chair if I'm standing. I'm also able to ask hubby to help me with my laundry and the housework too!

All these kindness acts as a relieve to the physical change I'm encountering. I put on a lot of weight and tummy growing bigger to the extend I cannot see my legs! There was a time where I need to check if I'm wearing my undies correctly, I need to go to the mirror to check because I cannot see or bend forward! That's cruel. Soon I would probably need to go to the nail salon to cut my toe nail....

One more fun fact
My baby will insist I seat in a correct posture without touching my belly. If I did not seat straight or lean my tummy against the table or any surface, I would feel a push from inside to push it away! The feeling is like having a fish swimming in your tummy. So whenever I feel not much movement, I would do such trick to stimulate the movement from the baby. :)

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